Mon 06 Jan
♥̡Ӝ̨̄♥ Dont Wait Another Minute Hurry Up And Call Let Me Be Your Heaven On Earth ☆ ♥ ̡Ӝ̨̄♥ - 20 - 20
(Tacoma, tacoma and surrounding areas)
★ Freak m€ Friday? ★ I love 2 Makeout! ★ 80 SpEciAls - 32
(Tacoma, Private Tacoma Incall/50 specials)
Feeling Kinky & I'm Ready To Play Might Even Give You An Amazing 💕😘💋🌹🙏 Special - 22
(Tacoma, By Latitude)
★★❤•*¨¨*•❤ ★DiRtY BRuNeTTe FReAK GUaRaNTeeD TO MaKe YoU WeAk★★ •*¨¨*•❤ ★ - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma incalls/outcalls)
Exquisite Body ◆ ◆ Soft Succulent B(.)(.)bs & B(_|_)t !! ◆ ◆ Openminded & Discreet ◆ ◆Well Mannered - 22
(Tacoma, Outcalls Only Nice Homes)
☆★☆_❤ D0MiNiCAN & iTALiAN BOmbSHeLL❤_☆★☆ *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs*__ ANNA - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Puyallup Outcalls EveryWhere!)
😋 DiP iNTo MY 🍯 ♓ONEY POT 🍯 & GeT STℹcKy 🍬 W/ THiS NawTY 😈 BuStY BrU♌eTTe 👯 BuNNy 👯 - 26
💕☄ Gorgeous 5🌟PlayMate • Blissful Experience 💗 Highly Addicting 💋 - 27
(Private Tacoma IC /Outcall ♥♥, Tacoma)
Exotic Beauty meets the girl next door ★★★ Eastern European ☆☆☆ Classy♥♥♥ College girl★☆★☆ - 26
(fif, Tacoma)
🍒թяёեեγ թεтเัтછ FяછAK🍭δర δwછંંછt υ'll ηછvછr rછgrછե რછ!👯δర δછxყ υ'll ηછνછr fరrgછե რછ! ВεαևԵનઁfևԼ - 31
🎅🏻 Christmas 🎄 🌟 SPECIAL 🌟🎄 & Sexy Epl!Ct 👯 Dous 💚💛❤️ Can You Be My Santa 🎅🏻🎁🎄 - 21
(Bellevue, Burien, Renton, SeaTac burien Fed way Tacoma, Seattle, Tacoma, Tukwila)
► CLick =hErE ► ) ° °YuM❤ YuM CⓞMⓔ ☆GeTYoU §ⓞmⓔ ♡ ° °( ► CLick =hErE ► - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma,Bremerton,Auburn,Federal)
* ~ * Bremerton * InCaLL * BuSTy BrUNeTTe * CuRVy SiNSaTiOn * AvAiLaBLe *~* - 30
(Bremerton/Port orchard in/outcalls)
🎂🍧🍨🍦🍭 ═ ♥ ═[BRUNETTE]═ 🍭 ═[SPINNER]══ ♥ ══[BARBIE]═ 🍭 ═[PINK &JUICEY;]═ ♥ ═ 🍰🎂🍧🍨🍦🍭 - 22
(Port of Tacoma♡InCall/Oucall Everywhere, Tacoma)
Chanse👄👄👄💖👀oc anywhere and specials.♡¤♡~TAKE 1WITH ME!! U WILL KEEP CuMiNg BACK!! - 31
(Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Skagit County, Tacoma, seattle)
Busty Babe with Wicked Curves! - 19
(Bellingham, City of Seattle, Everett, In town, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
BuSTy, CuRVy & WiLd ★ (( AVAILABLE IN TACOMA )) ★ K!.NkY & FrEaKy ★ - 33
(Tacoma, Private Tacoma Incall/50 specials)
20MINS EXPRESS MASSAGE $60 •• 36D'S real pics NO disapointments •• IF Isn't Me it Free - 27
(Tacoma, Downtown Puyallup / Sumner)
-- ✰ -———————————— Amazing Oriental Body Massage -———————————— ✰ -- - 25
(Tacoma, Elite Spa- Edmonds)
* NOW *VISITING First Time* SEATAC Airport .. Exotic, Latin Tranny STEPHANIEH* 38DDD/9" Cut & Thick* - 24
(Tacoma, *SEATAC Airport*)
(¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) SupeR SEXY ♥ ABsoutLY StuNNinG ♥ PlayMatE SEXY EBONY (¯`'-253-204 -9124 - 26
(Tacoma, In/out calls)
Title: EXTRAORDINARY 🙊 , fresh 1⃣8⃣ , 💋SEXY💋 , lighskin🔥beauty , very talented👌👏💯 ! - 18
(Tacoma, Everywhere outcall / Lakewood incall)
Young Sweet & Exotic Playmate! ONLY VISITING TACOMA FOR A SHORT TIME! xoxo - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
##### Outcall Only 206-407-3519 &&& Beauty Girl &&& Taiwanese Anna #####** - 21
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
##### Outcall Only ####### Silm Asian Girl Susan ####### Call Susan To 206-219-9146 #####- - 21
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
❤•yeah babe im back!! New †Õp NÕ†CH PRÕV¡Ð€R Rņ€Ð HÕ††, *❤ InCaLL24/7 - 25
(Tacoma, imBACK in TacOMa)
•••• ▄ ★ •:.• Thick&Ready; •:.▄ ★•: .1Girl or 2Girl Specials •:.▄ ★•Chocolate & Caramel••• AllNight - 22
(Tacoma, Lakewood Fife Puyallup Auburn Bremerton)
🔥��������HOT and Temping🌺✌🌺✌ (MiXeD Treat Sweet Enuf to EAt)*****ready and willing??????? - 25
(Tacoma, TACOMA InCaLL/outCall)
Thછ Bછડt کછxy کછcrછt عvછચિ💕fتη fลηtลടเีછs fછtเัฐhછฐ wછ cลn ลchเีછvછ เีt!4'11 36dd'sβఠఠty &βછลuty! - 31
(Tacoma, in:tac FedWay Sea kent auburn renton any)
Hot * Big * Booty *Beauty * Doing * OC* Specials * Top * Specials :) 2 girls available - 21
(Sea Tac, Seattle, Kent, Renton, Tacoma, Bellevue,)
______ ೋ Indulge in Perfection.. Complete Package ,Sexxi Hott Babe... Absolutely Amazing ೋ_____ - 23
(Tacoma, Outcalls Only)
👑LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg LaTe NigHT ULTiMaTe PLeasuRe PRoViDeR👑 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
✨lUCIOUS BURNETT KNOCKOUT✨. Thats A CUTIE With Beauty💋💋💋And Classy 💎Sweet &Sexy; N Petite - 21 - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Seattle, Auburn,Renton)
☆SpeCiaL☆SeXXi LeXi PeTiTe ExoTic •FIRE REDHEAD• GaURentEE PuRe SaTisfaction 100% Real 24/7 - 23
(Tacoma, Incall Lacey/Tacoma & Outcalls Everywher)
♥•: WORLD CLASS •♥•:__ STUNNING__ •♥•: 100% REAL ___ •♥•:ELITE COMPANION•♥•: - - 23
Seoxy.. 34DDD...Blond...Tacoma Incall..Reviewed - 28
(Tacoma, Tacoma Olympia Port Orchard Bremerton)
W :A : R : N : I : N :G!!! : EXTREMELY : A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E * 100special - 24
(Tacoma, tacoma incalls)
@@ Outcall Only ######## Playful 206-219-9146 Winnie ######## Sexy Asian Girl @@@@@* - 22
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
outcalls only 💦💦💦MIXED Beauty💋💗❤️📞Call Me Now📞🍭💋💜Available All day and night🍭💋💜💦💦💦 - 25
(Tacoma, anywhere)
__BaCk in TaCoMa!!__ ♥ * WeLL ReviEweD * _ * EXOTIC DOLL * ♥__☆ $100 ☆ ___ - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma *$1OO SPECIAL*)